Weaving navy blue

Still not finished, but here is what I’m using for new shawl / wrap. Navy blue cotton, navy blue and a touch of white in cotton / acrylic mix, and a bit of silver…It’s going to be really nice!

I find inspiration everywhere –  in some photograph, or in nature, but mostly I find inspiration looking at my yarn. That’s why I hoard it! I usually sit in front of the shelf where I keep the yarn, and just look at it, letting it talk to me. Sometimes it talks seriously, sometimes more playfully, but it’s always a “talk”, and that’s the way I like to work. ( And that’s how I sometimes figure out what type of yarn I need to buy. But when I go to buy it, I always come home with more than I planned ). But, when I think about it, it’s not just “talking to yarn” that inspires me, it’s certainly everything around me that leaves an imprint on my mind. It could be nature, a person, something I saw on TV that actually has nothing to do with weaving, etc. It is strange how we get an inspiration, and how (sometimes) we actually don’t know where it came from! And for me, that’s the beauty of creating any art form.

And, I would like to say more on that subject, but because I’m writing in English I am constricted. 🙂 It’s hard enough to express feelings in my own language! 🙂

So, my blue shawl may not be something super extravagant, but it’s going to be pretty, and most of all, made by me, with love, and unique. It is something I wanted to make, simple and elegant.

A mess…

I am almost ashamed to post this, but, as I said, I am ALMOST ashamed :)))

But this really doesn’t look normal! My desk is a mess!!! There is no room for me to work, and I must sort it right away. It’s not usually like this, but now it’s just horrible. And the reason for this mess ? – I started too many projects at the same time! That is something I do often, but usually I put away stuff I don’t need anymore. But lately, I just kept adding things, and adding…And here is what I have now! Now it will be even harder to clear and clean everything, but that’s the punishment…

Although, something good came out of this horror (somehow, hehe) and it’s my very simple album, made for my dog, and it’s made out of junk mail, with some paint and just a few embellishments. It’s not finished yet, I still need to add a touch of color and some writing, but it’s mostly done. And I love it. I didn’t want it to be too complicated, because Meda is a boy, and I don’t want him to be ashamed of the flowers and bling 🙂

Somewhere in the mountains…

It was great! Five days in the mountains, no phone, no internet, only nature, birds, trees, fresh air, and a lot of sleep! Oh, I wish we could do this more often! We planned to stay a bit longer, but the weather turned bad. But that’s ok, we had a great time, and there are so many things to be done here, at home. And, of course, this little gem is owned by my parents, so we will go there again…

Below is a detail from the kitchen. Some old family items…

And some yummy nuts…

The field of edible plants, I don’t know how to translate it’s name, but it tastes like garlic. Beautiful!

Happy dog…

My Hubby trying to connect…hehe, no internet there…

The lake…

The fire…

Pure bliss! I can’t wait to go there again!

A mistake

I’ve finished weaving two summer scarves, and when I washed them, I found out that one of them changed! Something happened with the cotton, it kind of rearranged it self in a way I didn’t want…It is not a big problem, it’s still a nice scarf, but that is not what I intended. But, at least the other one ( the one on the right ) came out right. I wanted to make something simple, easy to wear with jeans and T-shirts. So, a project gone half wrong, and another of those moments when you realise that learning never stops.

And here is my new journal. Handmade paper, lace and crackle paint. I like how it looks, especially the papers inside.

And that is all for now. My husband and I are going away for a week or two, so I have to figure out what to bring with me. I can’t bring my loom, that’s for sure, but maybe a crochet hook, some yarn, my journal, and maybe crayons? I have to think about that. I even thought of not taking anything with me, but that wouldn’t be possible. I wouldn’t know what to do with my hands! I’m so used to always do something and make something, that I have to pack at least some of my “tools”. And, speaking of journals, here is a peek at one of my unfinished pages:

By for now, and have a great weekend! 🙂

Sunny day…

Today was a beautiful day, sunny and warm, and I just had to take a few photographs while walking my dog. Oh, how I love spring! Flowers, bees, birds, breeze, just wonderful!

And here is my baby with his friend, so busy.

Nothing special…

I don’t like Sundays ( who does? ) but today was a nice day, although filled with work. It wasn’t a creative work, it was cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning! I was so busy lately weaving, making journals and those flower brooches ( and so many other things ), that my home got really messy and dusty. But  I couldn’t stand it anymore, I said “enough!”,  and cleaned it all up! Oh, I feel so much better now! But the best thing was this:

My husband made me a beautiful, healthy meal!  And, not only that, but he also cleaned the kitchen! I mean, am I lucky or what? Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s not that he never does something like that, but most days he just doesn’t have time because he works long hours, and I could never expect him to cook or to clean. But today I had my break from the kitchen, and to be honest, even though I love to cook, I could use some time off…Only sometimes…

So now, off to eat another cake – well, I worked hard, didn’t I? I have to get that energy back! It’s important to eat regularly, right? hehehe…( insert an evil smile here) 🙂

A gift!

My good friend who lives in London UK, came for a visit, and she brought me some scrapbook goodies! It was so thoughtful of her! She doesn’t scrap, and wasn’t sure if she picked the right stuff, but she did! Oh yes! Of course, everybody likes presents, but the most important thing is the effort someone makes to find the things you like.  Thank you my friend!

And my present for her little girl was my handwoven blanket, made especially for the princess.

I just wish we had more time to chat. But, I’m grateful we are still friends after all these years, and living in different countries so far away. I guess that’s a proof of  a true friendship.

A little bird told me…

I had some fun a few days ago playing with clay. It must be because of those lovely birds singing outside that I wanted to make these.  Nothing special, just something to have in my studio. And they make me so happy when I look at them! My little birds, singing to me a song that only I can hear!

These pictures are not that good, but never mind. I wasn’t looking for perfection while making these, and no perfection in photographing them. Just play!


This is how I relax – by making flowers. Yesterday was supposed to be a relaxation day, and for me that means making something! I don’t know how could that be different than any other day, but this really was relaxing! Sitting in the living room with my husband, watching TV with the needle and a thread in my hands. Lovely! I especially enjoyed making those cotton flowers, because I’ll be making them into brooches and wearing them all the time! They will be great accessory all year round!

I evo sta sam ja juce radila: pravila cvetice! Dosta toga sam uradila u poslednje vreme. Puno tkanih stvari, puno knjiga i spomenara, pa je bilo krajnje vreme da se malo odmorim ( a to kod mene znaci da nesto radim 🙂 – kako se to razlikuje od normalnog dana kad tkam? ) i eto sta je proizaslo iz mog vremena za odmor! Cvece! Ali stvarno je relaksirajuce praviti ove slatkise! Neki su od pamucnog platna, neki od satena. A svi ce najverovatnije postati brosevi kad porastu! 🙂 Ili bar vecina… Jos samo da odlucim koje cu zadrzati za sebe a koje cu prodati. Postoji velika sansa da sve ljubomorno sakrijem u svoju kutiju za nakit 🙂 Ma salim se, bice toga jos, pa se nadam da ce i kutija biti puna, i drugarice opskrbljene poklonima, a i dovoljno za prodaju 🙂 I eto, prolece je doslo, cvece napolju, cvece u stanu, sta ima lepse od toga!

New books!

Hearts! Of course! Here are my new books made with fabrics, acrylics, paper, handmade paper, ribbons… I don’t think that much while I make them, I just follow my inspiration, and then, when they are finished, what I see: hearts, again! Well, what can I say – it must be love…

Black and white with my handmade papers.

Black and green with plain papers.

And turquoise with a bit of red, and a few sheets of handmade paper.

And here are some tags I’ve made just for fun:

But that’s not all! I have some more things to show, but I’ll leave that for later 🙂