
This month has been a very busy one. With a craft show now behind me, and a lot of weaving and journal making for the shop, I can tell you I am tired! 🙂 There were also parties with dear friends, which means we were eating, drinking and dancing all night long, so no wonder I feel like grabbing a good book and just hiding under the blanket and reading. 🙂 But there is a lot that needs to be done.

Since I didn’t have time to go through the photos and sort them out, here are some of the things I’ve made before the “running like the headless chicken” started. 🙂 I’ve used my woven scraps to make small bags and have them ready as gifts for friends and family.

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I also (finally) made cushions for my living room.

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Sorry about this last photo, you can’t see the cushions well, except the details, but I will have to wait for a sunny day to make a good photograph of them on a couch in the living room.

That’s all for today. Have a great time everyone! 🙂

Thank you Rosemary

I have been nominated a Sunshine Award by Rosemary. Thank you so much! 🙂


Rosemary has two very inspiring blogs:



http://supposerose.wordpress.com/   Photography, poetry, and so much more!

Rosemary wrote ten questions for her nominees to answer, and here they are:

1. What makes you laugh?

– My husband. 🙂

2. What makes you cry?

– Sad movies.

3. What part of your art sends you into the ‘creative zone’ the most?

– Playing with fiber and paper.

4. What is your favourite colour?

– Blue.

5. In a fantasy world, where would you like to live and what type of dwelling would you like to live in?

– In a magical forest on a mountain, in a house made of wood with a big tree in the middle.

6. What is your favourite tool of trade and why?

– My loom. Because we can make wonders together.

7. Would you like to travel to outer space…if so…why…if not…why?

– Yes. Because I’ve read too many SF books. 🙂

8. If you could have any animal in the world as a pet what would you choose?

– A dog. A Labrador. They are the best dogs in the world. Oh, I have one! 🙂

9. What season do you like the most. Do you have snow where you live?

– We do have snow here in Serbia, but my favorite season is Spring because I like the rebirth of Nature, the explosion of life.

10. Why did you start a blog?

– I’ve learned so much from so many inspiring people on the Internet, so I wanted to share what I know and what I do and maybe contribute to the Artsy/ Crafty community. 🙂

Thank you Rosemary once again, I really appreciate this award!