Finaly some pictures!

Well, this has been a tough week.  My dog has been sick and I was so scared for him! But now he is better and I finally managed to take some photos of my new journals – notebooks. And I made a new album. So here they are!

Yes, I know, I’m completely mad…about hearts.

There are more pictures of my madness on my Facebook page 🙂

Dakle, posle nedelju dana stresa oko mog psa, evo napokon slika novih radova. Meda je bio jako bolestan, sto je mene potpuno izbacilo iz koloseka – kao i obicno, ali sada je bolje, tako da sam uspela da fotografisem neke nove stvari. I eto ih – dnevnici i jedan scrapbook spomenar. Vise slika ima na mom FB profilu.

Old but new!

This notebook / album was made some time ago, but wasn’t photographed. How terrible!!! So now, here it is! It is very sweet, romantic, it has a pocket inside for tags or something else, and 30 pages of white heavy paper. Just the right thing for thoughts, memories and maybe a photo or two. It is 19 x 12,5 cm so it fits nicely in a bag. 

That’s it for today. I actually have a handwoven baby blanket to finish ( washing, cutting, sewing…) but I just didn’t have time today. Today was a day for unpleasant things – bank, post office, all kinds of waiting in line… But, it has to be done sometimes. And tomorrow will be all  about creating, I hope 🙂

More treasures!

First, I want to share this layout I made today:

And  I also finished this fabric covered book. I admit that I am one of those people who do multiple projects at the same time 🙂

And that’s it for today! Enough, I guess 🙂 I even managed to go shopping with my husband, and bought a nice shirt! Well, not that I really wanted to go shopping… 🙂

Jedan sal, drugi sal…

Salovi stoje zavrseni a neslikani ( da li se to pise odvojeno ili spojeno ? 🙂 Stvar je u tome sto sam dobila masinu za sivenje od moje drage svekrve, pa je to povuklo za sobom i prolecno ciscenje. Elem, moja masina je u kvaru, sto nije nikakav problem – postoje majstori, servisi…, ali svekrvina masina ima ormaric! Mislim, verovatno tu postoji neka terminologija, ali ja masine za sivenje delim na one sa ormaricem i one “u kofercetu”, tj bez ormarica. Dakle, sada je ormaric stigao i za sobom povukao celu proceduru premestanja i ciscenja, sto je, moram priznati, u ateljeima i radnim prostorima uvek dobro doslo. Bar kod mene jeste. Koliko god da cistim, sve sto radim pravi puno prasine , a narocito tkanje. Uuuufffff!! To je neverovatno! Ali, nema veze, vazno je da sada mogu ponovo da sijem! Doduse, kad to kazem, ne mislim na sivenje garderobe, to nije moj fah. Ja sijem neke druge stvari o kojima necu sada da govorim, neka ostane tajna do daljnjeg.

A evo i gotovih salova: Ljubicasti je heklan,  i vec prodat (hvala Tanja), a braon je tkan i uradjen tek onako, jer sam tako htela 🙂

These are  new scarves, purple one is crocheted and the brown scarf  is handwoven. The purple scarf already has a new owner, because it goes with the purple hat (I showed in one of my previous posts) to my friend Tanja. Oh, she is the type of customer one can only dream of! Saw the hat, tried it, liked it, bought it. And commissioned a scarf without any special wishes, she left me the freedom to do it as I wanted. Of course, it couldn’t be anything complicated because the hat has enough details already. And I like how it all turned out.

The brown scarf was just something I wanted to do.  And I like it! Yes, the spring is coming, but I just LOVE making scarves!

Something new!!!

What did I tell you couple of days ago about planning a project which included white lace and buttons? Well, I still have that in mind, but I just couldn’t resist these boxes when they “came” to me. And for some reason, I immediately wanted to paint them black. But, here is how it all started:

First a coat of gold!

Then, crackle medium and black acrylic paint.

After that I added more gold paint and decoupaged some music sheet pieces.

Then, it was time for embellishments and a little bit of glitter!

And here it is! Finished! My altered cigar box! 🙂

And the other one is a metal box. Very similar process.

The lid was blue and black at first, but I painted it like the first one:

And now it looks like this:

Voila! Two lovely boxes! I’m smiling!

Just some pictures…

Before I have my new work photographed, here are some things I’ve done some time ago:

And so much more, but it would take me ages to upload all the pictures! And next time more pictures of my woven goodies!  🙂

Posto tek trebam da slikam stvari koje sam uradila u poslednjih par dana ( a slikanje je za mene uvek velika operacija jer se ustvari tek ucim – polozaj, svetlo, ugao…ma uzas 🙂 ovih par slika je eto samo  uvid u ono sta sam ranije radila. Naravno, nije to ni delic, ali ionako ne bih mogla sve da postavim odjednom 🙂 A slike tkanih stvarcica drugi put, sada odoh u radne pobede! Vise prediva, manje tastature! 🙂

My art on my wall.

Finally I framed it and put it on the wall! And it looks nice, at least to me. These two are my first mix media pieces, made with  handwoven (by me) cloth, lace, hearts made of  handmade (by me again) paper which I inked, hand sewn, with metal objects and some found objects. And the sewing tape is my grandmothers sewing tape. She died couple of years ago, so it adds more emotions to the piece. I am new to this kind of art, but these I like and I guess that is all that matters.

Na slikama se ne vide detalji, ali ovo su moje mix media slike napokon okacene na zid. Napravljene su od rucno tkanog materijala, rucno pravljenog papira, metalnih predmeta, cipke, itd. Moji prvenci na ovom polju, i svidjaju mi se! (Malkice detaljnije slike nalaze se na mom profilu na fejsbuku). Jupi!

Uzivancija! :)

E pa stvarno je bilo krajnje vreme da otopli! Napokon bez kape, sala, perjane jakne, krznenih cizama… Sloboda!!! 🙂 I naravno, odmah smo iskoristili da odemo na izlet, makar na kratko. Suuuunceeee!!! :)))) Jedva cekam da sve ozeleni! Ali, i ovako je dobro za sad. Mogla bih ovako nepovezano da lupetam i piskaram do sutra, samo zato sto sam danas dobila inekciju sunceve svetlosti i obecanje proleca! Ali, na srecu, necu to da cinim, nego cu se baciti na neku pametniju rabotu – na tkanje! Pa onda kad se umorim od tkanja, prelazim u dnevnu sobu da uz TV pravim ukrase za moje dnevnike i spomenare. Ustvari, ja se nikad ne umorim od tkanja, nego se moje ruke umore! :))) Zato, evo par slika, pa onda u radne pobede!!!

Spring is coming!!! I am so happy! We had a lovely day out today, although it was later in the afternoon, but I don’t care, we were together, it was warm, Meda had a day at the Spa – mud treatment 🙂 or, to be honest, he just got stuck in the mud by the river and then rolled in the dirt :)))) Crazy dog. But it was so nice to go out and feel that the spring is coming!!! Energy filled, I’m going to weave something nice this evening! 🙂

What did I say? :)

Well, as I expected, my new project doesn’t include lace or buttons. Although, I still have them in mind! But here is a hint: White and soft, but not only that 🙂 No more clues, it’s very late and I’m just too tired to even try taking photos, but tomorrow maybe. I’m hoping for a nice day out with my hubby and Meda (my dog), so maybe I’ll post something in the evening.

Oh, and one more creation of mine has gone to the lovely new owner! Yey! My friend Tanja bought one of my crocheted hats and commissioned a scarf !  Thank you Tanja!

Thinking about creating…

Well, I am actually working on a scarf at the moment, and I love it,

but, I am already thinking about some other projects which include these treasures:

Well, you know how it is, when you want to do several projects at once, but you know that it’s better to finish one and then go to the other, otherwise all of them will take too long to finish. And another thing that happens to me too often is that I start one project, then I hurry to finish it because I already have a dozen ideas for something else to create, but when I really finish and want to start that “other thing”, I find myself starting something completely new! My mind overflows sometimes! Of course, every now and then my mind completely stops. And usually that is the time I start to panic, although I know it will pass and my creativity will come back, but nevertheless, I panic. At least a bit 🙂

But now it’s about creating! So, let’s do it! I have to finish this scarf, and then we’ll see what happens. Who knows, maybe the vintage lace and the buttons end up going back on the shelf for few more days? 🙂