A New Journal

Hello lovely people!

I do have a new journal to show you, but first let me show you some of my paper bowls. I promised in my last post that I would. 🙂






I do have more of them, but they are not finished. These were the first that I painted and varnished, and they turned out great, but then I switched to another project so the rest was left to wait for me to play with them some other time.

But I did finish this journal.


















I really love this journal. It is so wonderfully textured and industrial and rusty and just gorgeous! It has all kinds of papers inside, including my handmade paper, of course, and tags, pockets, booklets and tuck spots. You can find it in my Etsy store. 🙂

Have a great day/night everyone!

And the Winner Is…

Hello friends!

First I would like to thank you all for your lovely comments about my work, both here and on my FB profile. You guys are the best!

But I don’t want to keep you waiting, so to announce the winner of my giveaway:

all of the names went into this lovely little bowl that I made and I will explain that to you also (later) 🙂


then my husband randomly chose one


and it was


Congratulations Julka! 🙂 Please email me your address and I will send the journal to you. Yay!

So, about the bowl. You know how I love to recycle. Actually, with the years passing, more and more of my work is inspired (at least partially) by recycling. Our planet is suffering. We are polluting it and destroying it and I feel horrible knowing that I am part of that. Well, some things are almost impossible to avoid, like using AC or buying products that contribute to pollution because there is no product in the grocery store that in some way does not contribute to pollution. But I try to do as much as I can to minimize that. And one of the ways is to recycle as much as possible.

We all get junk mail, receipts of all kinds, bills etc. And I have already shown you my handmade papers (which I love). 🙂 So as with making paper from newspapers and junk mail, you start with tearing them into small bits and soaking them in water for at least several hours but preferably over night.


After that, you put them in the food processor and blend them.


Then take a sieve or colander and if the holes are a bit big, add some thin fabric or a cloth or what ever you have on hand, and strain the mixture.


You don’t want it to be too dry but also it shouldn’t be too wet. I know it sounds like crap when I say it like that, but there is no way for me to explain it better. The thing is, you will know if it’s dry enough because if it is too wet than you won’t be able to stick it to the bowl. And if it’s too dry, you will have hard time shaping it over your mold.

Here is mine nicely stuck to the bowl, which serves as a mold for my paper bowl.


As you can probably see, I covered the bowl with plastic wrap before putting my paper over it.  Oh! I almost forgot to mention! You should add a little bit of glue to the paper paste after draining the water. For example, I would add about a tea spoon of glue to every cup of paper paste. But you could add more or less, I don’t have a recipe for that. In fact, it would probably be good to check out on Youtube how people do that, more professionally, but I was just playing and having fun.

Anyway, that’s how I did it, and I pressed it pretty well that paste.

After it is a bit dry, but not completely, which you will also be able to see because if it’s not dry enough it won’t be able to come off that bowl in one piece, you can take it off and put it somewhere to dry completely.



Unfortunately, I don’t have photos of my bowls right now, but I will photograph them and show them to you in the next post. Hopefully this was enough explanation on how to make them, or at least to try and just have fun making a mess. 🙂 But you can make some really beautiful bowls this way, and after adding paint and varnish to them, they make lovely decorative pieces and also great gifts. Especially if you fill them with sweets! 🙂

Have a great day / night everyone!

Good News and a Giveaway

Hello lovely people!

I have some great news to share with you – my Etsy shop is finally working again! I am slowly adding more things to it, but there are some lovely journals there already. You can take a look and tell me what you think. 🙂

So to celebrate that, I would like to give this lovely little journal to one of you!


It is a small journal, about 4,5 x 5,5 “, but it is quite fat and it has hard cover, very textural and lovely, and a lot of pages inside, as well as pockets and tuck spots. There is also a clay piece on the cover as a decoration and a focal point.






Do you like it? If you do, just leave me a comment and I will be back very soon (probably in about 5 days) to draw a winner. Also, if you wish you could leave a comment on my FB profile and that way you’re also in a game(although that will still count as one entry). 🙂

Good luck!

A New Member of the Family

Hello lovely people!

I know. It’s been a looong time since I wrote a blog post. I have been avoiding Internet as much as possible because I needed some time and space for other things. One of those things was work, but I will talk about that some other time. Now, I want to share with you some family news! We have a new dog!

I apologize for bad photos but he is a fast dog. 🙂


His name is Tomi (Tommy) and he is cute cute cute!


He didn’t have a good start in life, being left by the road in the bushes, but this puppy is now ours and we love him! My husband and I went to pick him up on my 40th Birthday. I like to say that he was my special present. 🙂

Tomi is a mix, funny, full of character, always hungry (but that is obviously a normal thing here in our household,hahaha), and he has the most adorable short legs!


Meda was a bit confused at the beginning with this new dog taking all of his toys and his bed, but Meda is such a good dog, very patient and sweet, so they are becoming friends more and more each day.

So that’s our new boy. 🙂 I am so happy we were able to save him. No more lonely days and nights, no more fear, just love, warmth, soft blankets and lots of yummy things in the fridge,LOL!