Spring Cleaning?

I think my cleaning will be a looong process. Everywhere I turn I seem to find interesting things to play with! First I went through my books to see what will stay and what will be donated to library or given to friends, because I buy books all the time and I don’t have the space anymore to keep them all. And sure enough, I found many books that are just perfect for altering! 🙂 But I did put aside two huge bags for donation and that feels good. I loved reading them and now someone else will be able to enjoy them.

Then I “found” some clothes that are going to be recycled and I already have a million ideas for that! So, for now I have one altered book that I’m working on, some fabric recycling projects that I’m working on, my fabric stash is checked and reduced just a tiny bit, resulting in this:

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As you can see, I added eco dyed paper to this journal, along with my handmade paper, which means I now have to make more paper and dye more paper, and now I have ideas for that too! 🙂

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Looking through my yarn also resulted in finding some interesting lonely skeins which simply begged me to use them. And I did! I wove a scarf! I can’t show it to you now as it has to be washed first, but I can already see this cleaning as a never ending story. 🙂

And it’s not over yet! I made two junk mail journals! You know how it is – you start sorting and cleaning your shoes, and then you find shoe boxes that you don’t need, right? So you think: “Well this box is nice and colorful, I could make something with it!” Right? 🙂 It turns out my favorite shoes came in a very pretty box that I used to make two journal covers! How cool is that! And all those papers and junk mail finally found their home. Ahhh, by the end of Winter I will have a clean home. LOL!

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Look at all these papers and envelopes and bags that will NOT go to trash! It feels so good knowing that I helped the Earth at least a tiny bit.

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Now it’s paint/art journaling time! Oh yeah, and cleaning too! Or maybe weaving?

As you can see, I am officially gone crazy, but there is nothing so amazing as this creative madness! I must enjoy it while it lasts. 🙂


My Junk Journal

All kinds of papers, envelopes, this and that. What was a pile of junk now is a lovely journal. It could stay as it is, but I want to write in it, add more stuff, glue, paint, draw, doodle, just have fun!. 🙂

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I made it some time ago, but it had no decorated cover, so a couple of days ago I finally finished it. And I finished two pages also! The other ones are kinda half done. 🙂

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I’m obsessed with blue, brown and gold.

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I love it! My new toy! 🙂

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I’m hoping to show you my handwoven cushions and other things next time, and I also hope to open again my Etsy shop in a week or so.Fingers crossed! I can’t wait! 🙂

Have a great weekend! 🙂

Paper Love

Or should I title this post “Recycling”? 🙂 Because that is what I was doing lately. Recycling junk into gorgeous handmade paper:

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Oohhh I just love handmade paper! It is so textural, so lovely with those uneven edges, and when I think about how much “trash” went into it, saved from the bin, I feel very good. Sometimes I have to throw away junk mail and old newspaper, because there is not enough room in my studio for all the things I could use in paper making, and that always makes me feel bad. I guess it’s becoming an obsession,LOL!

I colored some of the papers with acrylic paint, but most of them are colored with tea, onion peel and coffee.


I also played with some blank papers. I made a strong tea with onion peel, poured that over the paper in a deep baking tray, putting onion peel and tea bags between the paper. I left that soaking for a few hours, than drained the water, left the papers over night pressed with another baking tray, and got this:

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Beautiful! Just imagine these in a handmade book! I will have to try cooking other plants for a different result and also add more plant material in between the papers. That should give me more “print” and be more interesting.

Then I made art tiles out of recycled cardboard. Ornament boxes, perfume boxes, anything that is sturdy but not too thick will do. Cut them into one inch squares, paint, stamp, decoupage, do what ever you like. It’s so fun!

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Since there is no Glossy Accents to be found here in my town, I used transparent shimmery finish to add a bit of sparkle to these beauties.


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So cute! More handmade scrapbooking supplies! And they cost almost nothing! Yay!

Have a wonderful day everyone! 🙂