Paper Love

Or should I title this post “Recycling”? 🙂 Because that is what I was doing lately. Recycling junk into gorgeous handmade paper:

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Oohhh I just love handmade paper! It is so textural, so lovely with those uneven edges, and when I think about how much “trash” went into it, saved from the bin, I feel very good. Sometimes I have to throw away junk mail and old newspaper, because there is not enough room in my studio for all the things I could use in paper making, and that always makes me feel bad. I guess it’s becoming an obsession,LOL!

I colored some of the papers with acrylic paint, but most of them are colored with tea, onion peel and coffee.


I also played with some blank papers. I made a strong tea with onion peel, poured that over the paper in a deep baking tray, putting onion peel and tea bags between the paper. I left that soaking for a few hours, than drained the water, left the papers over night pressed with another baking tray, and got this:

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Beautiful! Just imagine these in a handmade book! I will have to try cooking other plants for a different result and also add more plant material in between the papers. That should give me more “print” and be more interesting.

Then I made art tiles out of recycled cardboard. Ornament boxes, perfume boxes, anything that is sturdy but not too thick will do. Cut them into one inch squares, paint, stamp, decoupage, do what ever you like. It’s so fun!

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Since there is no Glossy Accents to be found here in my town, I used transparent shimmery finish to add a bit of sparkle to these beauties.


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So cute! More handmade scrapbooking supplies! And they cost almost nothing! Yay!

Have a wonderful day everyone! 🙂

28 thoughts on “Paper Love

  1. THAT is how you make homemade paper ? Wow! It is just that we people are just so caught up in mass-produced stuff, that our imagination has hit a rough patch 😦 The way you make these beautiful, little things… adds a dimension or two to my science obsessed psyche 🙂

    They have something called Rock Garden ( here which might interest you. So, when you will be coming here for my wedding, I will plan a trip there for you 🙂 Sounds good ?

    • Tatsat, thank you for the link, I am amazed by the beauty of the garden! That would be wonderful to see! If only I lived a bit closer…:) Maybe I should start saving money for the trip to India for your wedding! 🙂

    • Connie I do make it “from scratch”, actually by grinding and mixing all kinds of papers that would normally be thrown away – junk mail, receipts, anything really. Anything but glossy paper. That doesn’t work. 🙂 Although, glossy paper could be sanded and painted over with acrylic paint. 🙂

  2. Oh, how your playfulness and creativity inspire me! I can’t wait to make some little one-inch square art tiles, and pretty, jagged-edged papers, and some junk journals, and hand-dyed papers (hoping, of course, that they don’t smell of old onions!). I’m thinking I know a good use for that pickled beet juice down in the refrigerator. Hmmm. And there’s all that loose-leaf black tea That I don’t like anyway… I’m going to have a really fun, busy day!!!

    • Colline, I found many tutorials on YouTube on how to make your own paper. I’m sorry I don’t have a tutorial here on my blog to show you how I do it, but the YouTube ones are great for learning the skill. Thank you for stopping by! 🙂

  3. I was in a shop the other day and they had paper in so many fantastic shade and I asked them if people buy writing paper still and they told me that is increasing all the time, very nice..
    Love you work and photos here.

    • Thank you Viveka! I am glad that there are people (like me) who still like the old fashion paper to write on. 🙂 I know that computers are our reality, but there are some things that computers just can’t replace. 🙂

      • I know … before I always invested in beautiful paper and matching envelops .. now only boring plain white.
        The thing is that if I write by hand .. nobody can read it – should have been a doctor.

  4. You’re so resourceful and creative. I loved that I could click on each photo, and get a closer look. Your papers look like extravagant stationery. Lovely. Loved all your creations.

  5. Wonderful papers! I’m still working up the courage to get going with it… have tons of paper ready.xx Gorgeous inchies too! Wonder where they’ll end up?

    • Thanks Kal! I think I will continue to pile up the inchies just because they are so cute. And they will eventually become a part of some beautiful album. But for now, the fun part is making them.:)

  6. Hi Sonja, Carmina’s just been awarded a Leiber award for creativity/blog, and it’s now my turn to choose someone that I think deserves it- so I’ve chosen you! Please see the page for details…


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